JourneyApps Customer Success with Custom HTML: The Stopwatch

Alex Dang
Aug 1, 2024 11:56:25 AM

After successfully transitioning our elevator inspection client from paper to digital, we encountered a new challenge - the need to streamline the data recording process. The client requested the incorporation of a stopwatch feature to track various metrics like door opening and closing times, stopping accuracy, and more. By integrating this tool directly into the app, we eliminated the need for a separate stopwatch application, saving valuable time and effort. Users could simply start and stop the stopwatch within the app, with the data automatically recorded upon stopping. This seamless integration not only enhanced efficiency but also reduced unnecessary clicks, making the inspection process smoother and more streamlined.

With JourneyApps, the inclusion of HTML components opens up a world of possibilities. By incorporating iframes directly within the app, developers can harness the power of HTML and JavaScript to tailor solutions to meet the client's specific requirements. Seamless data exchange between the app and iframe paves the way for limitless potential and endless customization opportunities.

JourneyApps excels in structured application development, yet its standout feature lies in its impressive customizability. The ability to embed HTML within the app is just one example of the diverse range of features that JourneyApps has to offer.

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