Have you wondered why you might want to implement AI in your business? Usually when I have a question about something I'm not sure about, I will defer to an expert. In this case, I decided to ask AI to justify its existence in business. I figured who would know more about AI than the AI engines themselves, so I asked ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Meta AI, Microsoft CoPilot, Grok from X, IBM Granite and Deepseek, the same question. "What are 5 benefits of using AI in business?"
As you might expect, the results were predictably similar. It was as if all of the AI engines got together after school and copied the same answers. Some, like Granite, Grok, and Chat GPT have the ability to do some slightly enhanced AI which is called "thinking" or "reason" or something equally eerie depending on the provider. For example, with Granite when I "enable thinking" it provided the same list of five reasons, but it was much less like curated search results flipped into natural language and much more like an expert discussing the topic with you. Regardless of how elegant the response, the points were effectively the same.
Without further delay, here are the reasons ChatGPT, Google Gemini, MetaAI, Microsoft CoPilot, X Grok, IBM Granite and Deepseek think they can help your business.
1. Improved Efficiency
All of the models seem to agree on this. They focus on saving time, automating repetitive tasks and allowing the humans to work on the creative things.
2. Enhanced Decision Making
They all agree that AI can analyze vast amounts of data to help make more informed decisions.
3. Personalized Customer Experience
Here, they all seem to agree that Customer Service can be improved by offering improved targeted suggestions, customized products or services, and individualized preferences.
4. Innovation & Competitive Advantage
The AI platforms all agreed that they could help you uncover opportunities, develop new products and services, and spot trends by monitoring social media.
5. Cost Savings
The different AI platforms gave different reasons for cost savings ranging from chatbots and virtual assistants, to automating repetitive tasks and minimizing waste. MetaAI was an outlier. It listed Cost Savings under the Improved Efficiency.
5a. Predictive Maintenance and Risk Management
Only MetaAI listed this as its fifth option. It said that AI can be used to predict equipment failures and maintenance needs while reducing downtime and mitigating risks such as cyber threats.
The point of this article wasn't to rewrite the five benefits of using AI in your business, which you could have easily gotten from any of the AI Engines. The point was to emphasize that while AI is still quite new, there is general agreement across the industry as to where the "low hanging fruit" is when it comes to implementing AI. If you are currently considering ways to solve problems in any of the areas listed above, the AI engines all agree, you should be looking carefully at how AI may be able to help.