Over 70% of Captive Alternatives clients renewed their insource using the M-Files/M-Connect collaboration portal during the first year after launch
The templates in M-Files that generated the renewal documents helped Captive Alternatives’ clients save time and ensure accuracy
By allowing them to streamline their processes, Captive Alternatives freed up their schedule to concentrate on adding value for clients
Captive Alternatives (CapAlt) is an insurance consultancy that helps business owners convert their insurance premiums into financial assets that can be grown and tapped for their benefit.
CapAlt’s pioneering risk management strategy, Private Insurance, enables businesses and organizations to directly procure insurance coverage for selected risks, transfer high exposure to third parties, and designate an investor to participate in an innovative profit-sharing program. As a result, investors build tax efficient assets to help protect their business and assure their future. CapAlt manages Private Insurance operations from their offices in Atlanta and Puerto Rico.
Captive Alternatives began using M-Files in 2015, and their use cases for M-Files evolved over time. CapAlt’s processes were limiting their growth. Investing in the software and services would allow them to reduce strain on their staff by automating some of their routine processes and providing a way for their clients to access information through a self-service web portal.
CapAlt requested TEAM IM provide professional consulting services to analyze and improve their use of M-Files and assist in developing a collaboration portal for their clients.
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Captive Alternatives recently encountered a burgeoning need to improve the insurance renewals process for both the CapAlt team and their clients. In order to accomplish this, TEAM IM was to work with CapAlt to clean up and streamline the M-Files vault structure, as well as migrate the vault from an on-premises environment to the M-Files Cloud, bringing the software up to the latest version on a well maintained infrastructure.
To ensure a smooth transition, TEAM IM would integrate the M-Files vault with Captive Alternatives’ Salesforce CRM to aggregate data for categorizing and processing client data and roll out a web portal to improve and streamline collaboration between CapAlt and their clients.
The simple fact is that the routine processes Captive Alternatives had been utilizing were limiting their growth. Investing in upgrades to their software and services allowed them to automate some of those routine processes and provide their clients with a self-service web portal. These upgrades would serve to both reduce the strain on their staff and empower clients to accomplish a number of their tasks and goals without the need for a customer service engagement.
M-Files introduced CapAlt to TEAM IM because M-Files believed TEAM IM’s skilled resources, coupled with years of lessons learned and best practices, would be an ideal partner to assist CapAlt with their objectives.
When CapAlt engaged TEAM IM, they needed assistance with solving their business requirements using M-Files to:
TEAM IM worked with CapAlt to prioritize and outline their overall objectives into a consolidated plan that provided increased satisfaction to both the business and their clients, as well as producing a faster return on investment.
The first objective was for CapAlt to have a stable, up to date M-Files environment that could be easily maintained and kept up to date. To accomplish this, TEAM IM worked to migrate their existing on-premise environment to the M-Files cloud. This process also upgraded the software and provided a stabilized environment that served as the foundation for forthcoming use cases utilizing M-Files.
One of the initial use cases was to solve the issue of data falling out of sync between M-files and CapAlt’s Salesforce CRM. To solve this issue, TEAM IM added integration between Salesforce and M-Files to ensure that the most up to date information in Salesforce was populated and available in M-Files. TEAM IM then transformed the data and process in M-Files to utilize the Salesforce Data. The combination of adding the Salesforce integration and making use of the Salesforce data significantly increased the speed and accuracy of finding information on CapAlt clients.
The next step was to eliminate the manual process of reporting on every Bank Account and note which statements had been received each month for each client. This was important because of the need to quickly generate accurate reports for audit purposes.
CapAlt also needed a secure way to provide collaboration and data sharing capabilities with their clients. TEAM IM responded by rolling out TEAM IM’s M-Connect portal, integrated with M-files to provide CapAlt’s clients self service to their documentation data.
Another area where CapAlt needed help was in improving the renewal process for their Clients. To do this, TEAM IM created templates in M-Files/M-Connect that significantly reduced the steps in the renewal process, reducing the amount of time spent on yearly renewals.
One key differentiator of the M-Connect platform is that it enabled CapAlt to build an easy to use, Web/Mobile responsive site to connect with their clients and provide workflows and content securely from their M-Files cloud repository. The benefits of this solution include:
Over 70% of Captive Alternatives’ clients renewed their insurance using the M-Connect collaboration portal in the first year of launch.
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After the initial engagement, CapAlt engaged TEAM IM through a yearly Enhanced Development Support agreement, which is a set number of hours per month that allows for ongoing configuration, development, and consulting assistance on both the M-Files and TEAM IM’s M-Connect platform.
TEAM IM's web-based platform, M-Connect, enabled Captive Alternatives to build an easy-to-use, responsive web or mobile site to connect their clients with M-Files back-office content and workflows.
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“TEAM IM’s assistance in helping us move to M-Files Cloud, along with the use of TEAM IM’s M-Connect platform, allowed us to become more efficient and provide a way for our clients to reduce the overall time it took to renew their insurance, as well as access their customer reports and other documents.”
David Kirkup
COO/CFO – CapAlt
“TEAM IM’s knowledge of M-Files and M-Connect, coupled with best practices and lessons learned, allowed us to help CapAlt succeed in their objectives of M-Files environment stabilization and streamlined integration between M-Files and Salesforce, as well as providing a secure way to collaborate and share data between CapAlt and their customers.”
Scott Olsen
Director of M-Files Practice
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet elit velit. Mauris nec condimentum velit.
Shani Hall,
Senior Manager
Information Platform Recency Centers
121 Washington Ave N, 4th Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55401
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119 Willoughby Road
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